Free KFC coupon!!! I can see the riots now.

I hope to god they don’t run out of chicken.

Someone lemme know if this is legit.

edit: Could a better show have been selected to pass out KFC coupons? Oh wait BET has numerous shows…

I got one, it is legit. The KFC by me has a sign that says 4 coupons per person, I do not see this ending well.

I vowed never to eat there again after those pics of those space alien chickens, that was 4 years ago and I still will not eat at that shit hole.

Link to pics??

KFC has the most fucked up ways of processing chickens

I used one today. It was a very poorly constructed shitbox of a meal.

I guess for free its alright… The guy looked pissed when I handed the coupon to him.

I never ate at KFC in my life and never plan on doing it, even if Oprah gives me a free coupon for it.

Waiting for the youtube riot videos like they had for Hardees

lol aw.
they cute critters.


lol its all over then news that people stood out side for hours for a free $3.99 meal in many states… :fail:

in for videos

few videos here … thing is people thought it was only for 24 hours … they moved the “print/download” time from 24 to 48 hours(due to website fail) and you can use these things for 2 weeks … lol

all these news sites are saying it was a “24 hour” thing … but its not its a 336 hour issue… this is why some are saying they will close doors for 2 weeks

its so funny …

“To get your free piece of grilled chicken, just stop into any participating KFC restaurant Monday and ask.”


This was sponsored by Oprah I thought so how is this going to hurt KFC

from what I gathered from the news and such … they came to her and asked her to sponsor this … but did not think it was going to get this out of had … but it was also on every news/paper/radio what have you

Is this the coupon?

If so I’m eating free chicken ever single day until they stop me.

kfc is probably some of the worst food ever… no thanks haha

Fixed for clarity.

no … the real one has all the terms and shit as the border telling you limt 4 per person good till when ever not good on mothersday …shit like that … it also has a bar code on it … I have one but it is black and white and they one take the color ones