Free kitty!!!



I want kitty more than you understand

but I cant :frowning:






I would neglect it.

sorry amanda…that is one really cute kitten and i would def take it but landlord gave us the no pets rule


JOEL!!!I’ll ship her to you. You take her!!


only if it fits in a blender

yeah, someone take this cat, three here is a croud. and it likes me…which pisses me off more lol.

fuck that! you grow down!


Wow the dead cat picture again…grow up


you cant ship animals, can you? if so i would take kittah in heartbeat.

if someone knows post up! id love to take kittah


only if it fits in a blender


what about if we donate it to that show…“Will it blend?”

Might make the internet a better place.

Cats suck.

But good luck finding it a home.



I want kitty more than you understand

but I cant :frowning:


same :frowning:


trick question… the cats name is ditka, it would be an epic stalemate


:biglaugh: lol

you may have to widen your search to a more girlish crowd, we just don’t have that caring for others gene


fuck that! you grow down!

you cant ship animals, can you? if so i would take kittah in heartbeat.

if someone knows post up! id love to take kittah


Ill look into that if you really want her

I will take it



I will take it


REALLY!!!Just give me a call some time tomorrow


REALLY!!!Just give me a call some time tomorrow


Sounds good

he is clearly going to eat it

ya know, the SPCA isn’t really that bad of an option…you’re making it seem like a death sentence for the cat if nobody on here wants it…

they’ll take it off your hand, it’ll see a vet and get all its shots for free…and tons of families looking for kittens will see it daily, and sure enough it’ll find a good home…

not a home run by a kid who spends his days posting on forums, that would rather buy car parts than spend $100’s on vet visits, shots, possibly needed medical procedures (such as getting it spayed), etc…

i’d rather see a kitten go to the SPCA than some stranger to be honest with you…because even though it’ll eventually end up wit a stranger, at least it’ll be well cared for before then…

im always in for some free puss…


only if it fits in a blender


See for your self.Shipping can be arranged in a humane box with holes cut in it and fiagile stickers on it.

Kitty was not harmed in the making of this post

damn, testicle didn’t take him?

hit Liquefy already :wink: