FREE: Legalize It Zippo

Never used I dont think, its got some small scratches, either way I dont smoke so here

buy a new camera

nah i should have used the 24 inches or closer feature but I didnt because for 5$ I dont care enough.

seriously, you’re selling a fucking lighter?


Welp, anywho glws.

lol its funny when poor people sell shit. lol.

fuck ya bro siiiqqqq

it doesnt even look like a real zippo

its probably not, but i dont smoke and somehow its in my shit and I dont want it.
I was going to toss it out, but I figured why not.

And Yeah I’m poor, But yett I buy shit constantly off Nyspeed, and change cars more than most people change clothes.
Some people need to seriously punch thier parents for not stopping them when they were eating the lead paint chips

That’s called being poor with a good combination of immaturity and terrible decision making

Cleaned up, lots of infractions.

If you have nothing of value to add, STFU.

might want to take a pic of the bottom to verify that its really a zippo

nikuk, my question was a valid one. there is a big diffrence between a real zippo and a fake one you get at the fair :bloated:


Did you know that if a cop sees you with a T-shirt or anything with a pot leaf on it its considered probbable cause or whatever. Than they can search you , your vehicle and what not. just sayin is all

Yeah, I watched that DVD, I don’t smoke or I’d keep this haha.
I dont think anyone smokes weed with a zippo either.
Anyways this is FREE if someone wants it.