Free Magazine Subscription

S3 Magazine is providing car clubs a free subscription to their magazine

S3 is also MUCH more local than the other magazines you see on the newstands now, Their offices are in Detroit. This is an independantly owned/operated magazine. worth your time to read. (and hey it’s free)

Club/community members play an important role as readers and supporters of Speed, Style, & Sound. S3 is able to give something back to the club/community by offering a club support program.

S3 is already working with many of the regional clubs/communities to offer a rewarding support program.

The club support program includes provisions for:
group discounts for club member subscriptions
$$$ donations to club from S3
club event coverage
event listings in the magazine
vehicle coverage in S3 magazine
club link/banner on the S3 website

I will need a list of names and addresses and TELEPHONE #'s to get these sent out. Please PM or IM me your address rather than posting it publicly. E-mail is also acceptable.

Sign me up. I’ve talked to you on MSN about this.

This is a good way to get exposure for our club, and have a chance for some of our lovable little rustbuckets to see what the INSIDE of a glossy magazine looks like.

YOU could be a feature in this magazine, and not have to take your car to California.

This magazine DOES NOT publish the “brand name” cars. Every car in the magazine is built by a real owner. not some car that just has a huge piggybank behind it.

Sign me up, i would love another mag to read while i’m bored out of my mind at work.

I need an address to sign you up.

Only paid members have access to this section of the forum, right?

That’s correct Greg. Don’t worry about anyone seeing your address, only
members can view this forum.

I just want to make sure nobody would be taking advantage of this deal, without actually BEING a member.

Ok anyone who wants to beat Andrew, this is the correct address for that too.

Matthew Uniac
45 Bannockburn Rd.
Kitchener, On.
n2r 1m1

Nik Stewart
145 Rice Ave. U-52
Hamilton, Ontario.
L9C 6R3

and whats the deal with getting your car featured? i dont want to now, but once i do some more mods i’d be interested.


I don’t have a lot of details, but I’m GUESSING it would involve sending sample shots to the Editor and a breif synopsis of mods and such. After that arrangements would be made for professional quality shots to be taken for publishing.

How many paid members do we have? I only have 10 names right now including myself. I know we have more than that.

I want to include everybody as this is FREE and I’m basically not going to want to go thru the effort to get you added to the list after I send it in…

Consider this another benefit of being a club member. :smiley:

We’ll I have my money right here in my hand waiting to give to Andrew tomorow.

Coun’t me in.

yea i added you to my msn. sounds good. is this a brand new mag?

The Magazine has been around since Jan of last year.

ok, here’s the jist of their offer.

Basically, we would like to offer a FREE one-year subscription for up to 50 members of your club - no strings attached. Normal subscriptions are $24.99 for 12 issues (1 year) per subscriber, so Southern Ontario 240SX Enthusiasts is getting an awesome deal! In addition, once all of your members are signed up there are more benefits, such as:

· Link to club website from
· A 2" x 2" listing in S3’s new club directory within the magazine
· Including your club’s major events on our published monthly Events Calendar

All we ask in exchange for this support program is the Members of Southern Ontario 240SX Enthusiasts support S3 magazine, and our advertisers, whenever and wherever possible, and spread the good word about our magazine!

Andrew, I need a hi-res 2x2 logo, for publishing in them there glossy pages. I’m sure they’ll be able to re-size just let me know which one you want to use.

ok folks, I found out I need your phone numbers and e-mails as well. if you’ve already sent me your info, thanks… if not, hurry up.

here’s the email I got.

The basic info I need from your members is as follows:
First and Last Name
Address (street, city, zip)
Phone Number
Email Address

With the sign up of your members, the following is a bonus thank you:
· Link to club website from Web banner specs. are 468 x 60 pixels at 72 dpi, (save as GIF file).

· A 2" x 2" listing in S3’s new club directory. Specs. are 600 x 600 pixel logo 300 dpi (save as a TIF or PhotoShop document). We place it within the magazine itself. Please include a background that best represents your club and indicate web page or best way to contact your club/forum. I have attached a couple of examples for ideas.

If you have a sponsor section on your website, we have web banners you can include at

If you have any questions on the logo or web banner specs let me know, I am typically in the office from 8am - 4pm EST, Monday - Friday.


Thats sounds awesome, sign me up for sure. I’ll pm you my info.

ok folks, here’s who I’ve got so far.

Andrew MacDonald
Jesse Wilks
Mercedeh Ajamzadeh
Marc Sumner-Smith
Bob Berry
Matthew Uniac
Mike Hutchinson
Andrei Ausch
Nik Stewart
Jason Attard
Gregory Bazydlo
Andrew Cassidy

some of you have already sent me your phone #'s. but I need the rest of your phone #'s and email addresses. I’ll pull what I can from the forum, but the phone #'s aren’t on there… if you have already sent it… thanks… if not, get a move on.

I still need numbers and preferred email from
Marc Sumner-Smith
Mike Hutchinson
Andrew Cassidy

Just so everyone feels safe about submitting their information to me, I don’t see any reason why I can’t post mine here for you all to see either.

Gregory Bazydlo
26301 Winton
Saint Clair Shores, MI 48081
Cell - 586-243-0141

I know we have at least 20 active members. why haven’t you all signed up yet?

sounds good , im in for this one