Free nissan cube???

Well i figured since i also knew someone who made the top 500 i’d post up a link to their voting page. Nothing wrong with that, people can make their own decisions to vote. Some might vote for Cynthia, because they know you or her and want to support. No problem there, i understand. However, some might not have a clue who you or she is and would want to vote for something they can actually see and hear. No problem there.

…and no its not car related/ auto enthusiast, but it relates to the whole Win a Nissan Cube event. Just another entry to consider.

To Raf, i didnt know who Cynthia was prior to your post. Had i known i would not have worded it like that. Now knowing that, all the more power to her. Good luck!

and yes i was scared when you drove my car. I didnt feel like having it impounded the first day i got it. even though i have no clue what point your trying to make mentioning that. :/:

rb180 yes he’s a close friend. I dont see me promoting him any different than Raf promoting his friend’s entry.

I dont win the car so vote for whoever you want.