Free site to download spyware, cookie cleaner?

SO I recently got a cookie that will not go away and its annoying the hell outta me cause when I get ride of it, i end up with more cookie spyware. I’m up to 8 threats right now and im certain its all because of this cookie.

I had trend macro antivirus (trial expired) that would deleted it after the scan however this lil bugger keeps coming back. I’ve deleted all my cookies on both IE(which i dont use but i think my gf used it once) and on Mozilla which is my primary browser.

My buddy advised me to get AVG antivirus but it scans and finds nothing. I downloaded the spyware app from the website however it just scans and finds the problem, it doesn’t fix it without me buying the service.

I did read the “Secure you PC” thread but it doesnt give any sites recommended. Any recommendations on how to permanently get rid of this thing. I’m pretty sure my gf went to that popcap site and this ishow it started. I’m going to kill her.

So I downloaded the malwarebytes program from as per the above sticky. It found 1 infected file and got ride of it. the spyware tool from is pretty useless though as it just finds the infected file but doesnt delete it without buying the whole program.

Hopefully this helps.

Edit: Thanks LC, I just got it. I’m hoping all is well now.