FREE Watch Battery Replacement for NYSpeed Members!

Hey everyone. I have decided that I am going to offer free basic watch battery replacements for NYSpeed members. Please keep in mind that I can not pressure test watches nor can I guarantee waterproofing after the case is open. Feel free to stop into the shop any time. We are open 9-5 Mon-Fri and 10-2 Sat. Thanks!

Beyond perfect timing (no pun intended). My Precisionist battery just shit the bed. Can we do heaters outside the store to prove we’re members?

Can you? Burnouts are always highly encouraged.

Yes, till every village Leo is dispatched to the store :slight_smile: This is perfect for me too. Have a watch that needs a battery also. Will bring it in with the wedding band when i get some time.

This couldnt be better timing. Three watches, all with dead batteries. I pulled the batteries, can I bring them in for new ones?

Yeah absolutely.

Awesome thanks. See you tomorrow.

I actually won’t be in tomorrow because I just got my wisdom teeth out. My grandpa should be able to help you out though.

Bumping this for anyone who needs a watch battery. Stop in any time!

I still need to stop in and have the wife’s wedding band and engagement ring soldered together. What kind of time frame can it be done in? She hates being without it.

I’ll probably take a ride out before Wednesday, need a battery.

If you drop it off in the morning then I can probably get it done for later that day.

What if I have a watch that is missing the battery? Are you able to look up models and fit the right battery to it? It’s an older fossil quartz that was never worn. Might also be looking for a leather or nato band.

When I open it up I should be able to figure out what battery goes in it. One way or another I’ll make it work. I have a nice book full of watch bands you can choose from too.

Great way to get members to come into the place and check it out too. I may be in. i’ve been thinking about wearing a watch again.