Freezing Falls

Pretty sweet

wow…that is very cool

Ah so thats the purpose of the ice boom.

siiiick :tup:

awesome pic

man, that’s insane, water freezing in winter, fugging nutz :stuck_out_tongue:

thats wild…somethign i would liek to see in person but will never happen

:word: that would be awesome

oh snap @ reply:

speaking of which i just unloaded 28 of the pontoons that make it up into my shop. i will get some pics if i can, but these things really take a beating. 3/4" steel beat in like they were paper cups. mother nature is a wicked bitch

the reason we have them is because we built the 300+ that go across the river now and replaced the wood.

Its that damn global warming!

This winter is supposed to be pretty bad, so i’ve heard.

wanna cuddle for warmth?

lap to face?

I would hope so. I bought 4 studded snows last fall and needed them maybe once. I’m still pissed…

Of course, You have to shave first

that’d be awesome. i would go break off a piece to have one huge icicle.

i don’t know if i would want to stand there?! i hope we have a “bad” winter which means a lot of snow!

Falls froze 100% solid in the early 50’s too. This was the same year the ice thaw took out the bridge crossing between Canada and the U.S. I know. I was there.

hahah…thank god i am moving before i see any snow