I ran over to Isle View, Collins Marine, and the launch at the foot of Sheridan to take some pictures on my lunch. Looks like a real mess for people with docks along the river.

I ran over to Isle View, Collins Marine, and the launch at the foot of Sheridan to take some pictures on my lunch. Looks like a real mess for people with docks along the river.
yea the peace bridge area was bonkers looking yesterday
yeah, it’s a mess. I’ll take some pictures tomorrow from the River Intakes.
yea i can only imagine how it is on the lower river
niawanda park was all messed up yesterday
maybe a gorge hike sunday have to see whats going on down there
Boom? What boom. I’d say boom fail!
it DID fail! lol
wonder if the boom sections got fucked up. i want more overtime …
yea i was driving down the 190 wednesday morning and it was crazy. reminded me from a scene from titanic
normally there is no ice.
intake #1 is chewing ice right now
Now they’re just trying to keep the ice broken up around intake #2
nice pics…
How did that huge red walrus get on the river?
So how critical is this for the power project? NYC going to see a blackout soon?
I wasn’t sure what to expect when i went inside. The gates are fully open. I didn’t see any ice inside (actually i saw a basketball and tennis ball floating around) the water level is a lot higher and much slower then normal.
A problem only if the ice ends up blocking flow into the intakes all together. Even then, there’s about a 1 week reserve currently in the reservoir.
The biggest concern is damage due to the ice if it reaches the reservoir pumps.
EDIT: I stayed at a Holiday Inn Express lastnight.
^ You work there I take it? I’m assuming the general public can’t just walk inside that intake.
And I’m not sure why I forgot about the giant reservior. I was thinking the intake fed the turbines directly. :bloated:
fuck im fuckin freezing just from lookin at those pics
I drove down by the intakes yesterday, could see all the paths from the icebreaker being out there
its gotta be a mess inside those intakes heh