Freezing Falls

Actually, the ice boom is just to prevent chunks of ice that break off the ice sheet on the lake from getting into the power project intakes. I doesn’t have any effect on ice that would form in the river, like at the falls.

/ice boom lesson. heh

The ice boom also helps prevent the falls from freezing - even if it wasn’t an intention. The ice collects on the American side, and the water flow starts to redirect to the Canadian side. The reduced water flow allows the water to freeze. My girlfriend works at an archives that collects photos and stuff from that time. She has some of the origionals of those pics.

Very cool

Sure, now you made me go brush up on my ice boom history.

For any of you people interested in engineering marvels like me:

And considering the boom is in the lake, just this side of the round house, I’m not sure how it would affect the water flow in the river below grand island, about 15 miles away.

The American Falls have frozen over on six occasions since the keeping of records began. Each were attributed to ice jams that have actually curtailed the flow of the American Falls to mere trickles.

I’m pretty sure the ice boom prevents Ice jams in the river

I would like for someone to explain to me how something sitting on top of the water ‘skimming’ the surface reduces the current flow. “readh-around” for the winner.

the ice-boom’s soul purpose is to stop the ice flow from entering narrowed section of the niagara river and prevent ice jams which will clog/wipe out the intake structures.


the purpose of the ice boom is to keep overly large sections of ice from going down the river and damaging the power project intakes.

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