oswego SNOW pics

a co-worker of mine was out in that area this weekend and sent these pics around the office…




um… holy shit?


after seeing these pics, i think that if the world ends, its gonna be in the form of a massive snowstorm. i mean seriously, how the fuck is it possible that the town survived that at all. i wanna call bs

how is that even possible


um… holy shit?




ok i guess they are fakeeeeee


how is that even possible


thats what im saying

Standard winter if you’re out in the rockies. It’s fun following a snow cutting machine up in the mountains.

go punch your co-worker.

gonna call - fake. Only because ive seen that 1st one a few times before, all over the internets.


for example, from the link above:


yeah im with nikuk on this one

That must in a inhabitable place, probably because of the snow right?


Those pics cant be of Oswego. They have been posted last year somewhere from what I recall.

I have a LOT of family in Owsego. Its not that bad as the pics you posted, and this isnt even the worst winter they have had…

even if these pics are fake, it is totally possible for this to happen. it happens often in the dakotas etc.

single reason: somewhat heavy snowfall combined with open plains resulting in wind drifts.

no, 24ft didnt fall at once. but, 3ft of snow, over a square mile, blown to one spot and stopped by a platue (i know thats spelled wrong) makes for really high snow.

yea im pretty sure that pic is from n. dakota if i recall

that is crazy.


I saw these pictures at least 2 years ago.

Was it the same co-worker who talked you into being a Leaf’s fan, because that would explain a lot.


Was it the same co-worker who talked you into being a Leaf’s fan, because that would explain a lot.

