Friday (Aug 10th)

Funny how it always seems to work out that way. Should have come over and introduced yourself to the regulars.

yeah it would be nice if the owners of 5.0 mustangs would just admit that they have small penis’s and stop trying to act tough in front of crowds i liked the self detaching muffler mod that is sweet o and nice garden trim on the bumper:eek3:

otherwise good to see the old school crew

i think we need to have a old school and a non tool meet the rest can just stay at home next time :finger2:

p.s. vtec ownz joo dave

fuel starvation @9500 pwnd me. I need to get that fuel level gauge connected back up.

doesnt matter if your a compact or not.iv run my moms 03 impala.your car/truck has to be either a 4 or 6 cylinder or rotary engine in order to race.

omfg tell me about it…he was an asshole…the type of person that you just want to punch the shit out of JUST BECAUSE. “this is what 5 liters does baby” yea well what about the 5.7 vette in front of you that would beat ur balls off?

I don’t know how late u guys were there but i just got in…some douchebag walked over to shag,jeff,and some other that i’m not familiar with trying to start a fight because someone said something about him staying in 1st gear the entire time he was on the bike…lol his line was “i could probably beat any piece of shit you’ve ever owned”

ricer on a bike:reloading


the best part about it, it was his girls bike. lol


i like ur stang though…just not the pos that was falling apart…like honestly my piss poor nissan doesn’t even fall apart

yah I need to get the wheels turning again.

still a great turnout. at least it was a lot better than last time.

Had a nice time guys, thanks for being on the cool side of the street.

who said that :hsugh: then tried to start a fight wearing a helmet…lol

anyways who brought the watermelon…lol

thats cause you roll deep

the cavalier races…AWESOME…hah

slowest cars : cavi’s
BIGGEST POS ON THE STREET: 5.0 with 1 muffler

on a real note i was waiting for the guy riding his girls bike to swing…i was ready to give him a good one for the team lol

If he’d have swung, he’d be the stupidest man on the planet.

i said it and i was at the car all alone. i didnt know he was coming across the street looking for a fight. bye the time i got there cheeks friend was going to take him

he was mad cause my son was a better stunter on his healies and rollar blades

as much shit as we talk on each other pittspeeds like a family :bigok:


you have no idea who i am

but the look when i asked about watermellon was priceless

what were you driving? do you know who i am? lol
OH SHIT EDIT!!! I just looked at your sig and WOW that had me ROFLMAO speaking of which you mentioned that down there didn’t you?