:rolleyes: how about yeehaww sarcasm, if you read the post it just meant that none of our leaders have ne courage in their convictions basically :hsdance: ps my healthcare costs are identical from clinton to bush :dunno:
we need the world, just not the countries mad at us… germany, france, canada… fuck’m. they’ll feel the pain of losing us long b4 we feel any pain from losing them. its time that the us quit letting little pissant countries speak to us like they are our equal. they are not. in 25 years we better still be a superpower… bc china will be, and they unlike the us, won’t ask permission b4 fucking up countries.
that’s a very unintelligent way of looking at foreign policy
:rolleyes: i’ll take that as a compliment, you have to know me to understand my posts, sometimes my post look kinda extreme but its just to make a point without explain all 6 degrees of seperation. of course we just can’t cut them off, but you must in a subtle way, make sure they understand that our country is greater, and that while they may not like everything we do, they cannot and will not ever tell us what to do.
ps. i’m agst the war so don’t think i’m some rite wing warhawk cause i think that’s how some view these posts
that has to be some of the most ignorant shit ive ever heard from you. Im disappointed.
Oh, and Kerry fucking owned Bush yet again. Kerry was fucking awesome, and Bush again looked like a fucking retard.
:blanyer:once again, posts below that tries to explain it better
why do we have to let the world know that we are “better than everyone else”? We are already looked at as being pompus assholes, and the bullies of the world.
no i hear ya, but why should we pretend that lesser countries are as valuable as the us, or china, or japan for examples. its like european countries from ww2 haven’t realized that they’re no longer as dominant as they once were.