Fridays drift event

It used to be that the camera man has to be behind some sort of barrier at all times.

He’s not really out in the track though lol

nah thing was pissing coolant all over the place lol

nice pics, thanks for coming out!

Next time try to find me and say hi. Lol I can’t believe we’ve never met. And we’ve been at the same events a few times I think

The car was just leaking a little coolant from where the top radiator hose meets the radiator. That part snapped and I did an impromptu fix on it lol. It wasn’t all that bad and made it home no problem. Just need another radiator

Thanks for the pics! I love that I’m throwing some smoke in those. Next event I’ll be making my car a little more photogenic hahah can’t wait

Mishimoto and forgetaboutit

OEM and fix it again


thanks for having me!

yea thats the plan but the dude that was there let me pretty much do as i pleased he was mad cool

anytime :slight_smile:

yea i love shooting brighter cars as the camera has an easier time with continuous focusing and they tend to come out sharper … i think jim and i are trying to set up a shoot for thursday with someone … you in ollie?

deff have to meet you at some point, most of the time i was out taking photos, and when i saw your car nobody was around it. i was also taking photos away from everyone else so when i finally do edit some they will be at a diff angle then the rest.

got any others of me almost getting hit lolz

yeah text me 315-246-1662

Pics came out real nice man, you even got one picture of me NOT looping out!:rofl