fridays- Tubby's cruise night

umm its supposed to be 90 fuck that, heat soak blows.

im staying inside in the air lol

plus im sick now

ill be there in the black civic w/ gold rims!!! cant wait…love friday night car meets

right on man, I’ll look for you. If you see me near the black gto come say hi. I’ll be there with my 7 year old nephew (promised him ice cream lol)

im rebuilding a diff for someone and Ive got some panels to paint for another guy tomarrow, if I get that crap done in time id love to cruise up, the kids and I had a great time last week

Outstanding - I’ll be back with the (even dirtier) fastback. I really need to get that tar off the sides :frowning: My buddy will be down with his '71 Chevelle SS with me too. Figure about 6:30-ish.

cool, see ya there Tom. Depending on how warm it is, we may not stay too long but we’ll be there for a while.

jesus clean your pussy out for god sakes


im sick, see.


it’s all good kevin, more time to get that raid setup going :smiley:

BTW, for uh… future 360 needs, what kind of DVD’s do you use? I’ll buy ya a spindle of 'em

verbatim DL

the only ones i use, no coasters.

didn’t stick around too long. My nephew was complaining that he wanted to leave (nature was calling).

94excivic, nice to meet ya man and nice car… you should check out that Z :tup: Unfortunately I didn’t know it was a speeder until we were leaving

Shit, I saw the civic pulling out, guess I missed you guys. Some high-end shit down there tonight too.

true that, you see that blown vette…that was nasty “dont touch” lol

wow i was down there at like 730 and i didnt see any of you or the blown vette you speak of

hey banZer, dude we left like 20 minutes b4 you guys got there…me and my buddy were like where the fuck is ground up? lol. u going next friday?

Up, fellas. Taking my miss out for dinner, watching the weather for afterwards. If it stays decent I’ll be down tonight.

Can’t make it this week however I got a gooder CD for ya the next time I see ya

:tup: :tup: :tup: