Friend sent me a pic from PA a little while ago...
both 240s parked next to a regular curb… street isnt raised.
Yes its that much snow

holy large picture Jeff :ahh

i know hold on :lol

nice, just saw this on another forum… this is in MD before today’s snow

i want that!

Do want (the snow)

Yea, wtf.
I need plowing $$$.

GTFO! :ahh


Haha for once upstate New York prevails


Seriously this is hilarious to me. VA is the new buffalo.

omg i just mis-typed buffalo and got buffalol.

buffalol is now a meme.


damnit i want some snow!!!

I wish we had that amount of snow around here

i used to have a picture of my old gsx like that, it drove right out like that as well!

“snow day” creation yesterday. we got about a foot probably a little more


You guys remember the storm we had on Valentines day in '06? Thats my Subaru in there, to the right of the pickup :lol

Wait… theres a car? :lol