Friendly's Grilled Cheese Burger

Thats completely irresponsible to offer something like that. No wonder America is one of the most obese countries in the world

I will be ordering this delicious looking stack of calories to go on my lunchbreak

make sure you head to the store to get bigger pants right after this.

one of the reasons I just downloaded p90 and p90x and going to start it soon.

I had this yesterday, it’s only $5 right now… It was simply amazing.

Was thinking about doing this myself… really need to get back to the gym and stick to a strict plan.

I just had one…

It was very tasty… Would eat again… Was also only 5 dollars

this is why America is the fastest country in the world…shit like that

it looks nasty.

shady, that one fucking sandwich is like an entire days worth of calories lol. not to mention the bread

Hi Benny, I’ve redesigned your diet.

1/2 of this sandwich 1hr pre training, and the other 1/2 1hr post training. That’s it for the whole day.

and its the only thing I’ll eat today…

I seriously feel so fucking fat after eating it, and that was 3 hours ago… my body is seiously telling me how much it hates me right now

FML, but it was soo fuckin tasty


Fuckkkk I want to try one of these bad. But I started going to the gym a few weeks ago 2 hrs a day, and this will set me back like a week

stfu, you never answer mah texts back… Ima take a shit on this CD Drive and leave it on your driverseat


Hi Benny,

I would like to meet you at Taco Bell on Thursday, and see how many Taco’s we can eat. Would 5PM in the capital region work for you?

Best regards,

Well thats what I will tell myself so I dont go out and eat it.

I am 375lbs. I do not need anything of the sort

Losing weight-burning more calories than you take in. Period. But I do know where you’re coming from.

Yeah, I understand that, I just down want to blow an entire day’s worth of calories in 1 meal. I try to eat 5-6 small meals/snacks through out the day, probably in the area of 2300-2500 calories a day, but that leaves me feeling hungry

Shoot for a caloric deficit of 1000 calories or so. It took you years to get fat, ain’t gonna do a body recomp in 2 months. At your weight, you should be able to lose a few lbs a week no problem. Adjust calories as needed to maintain that pace.

Yeah, I spend 2+hrs a day on the treadmill working my heart till to around 60% max heart rate (best for fat burning from what I’ve been told) and then about an hour on other various machines (elliptical, bike, ect) depending on how much time I have