Friends Band looking for singer (Songs included)

Hey, take a listen to these guys, they have been looking for a singer for a while and are having some troubble just becsaue of how there music is. but I guarentee one thing (AWSOME) you have to listen

benson, this band

broke up. the lead singer and hte back up singer wanted something alittle more concrete or some shit. i went to school with them, tell them to send alex or brad an email or something maybe.

anyways i like the sounds.


hahaha, it is probbly if your friends contact them, they have tons of people always trying out

Good voice but I do not know about diferse enough,

they need someone like the singer of incubus.
all over the place and can also speaksing fast and stuff,

i yodel like a mother fuker

will that work?


Hey and I can make some cool noises with my armpit maybe we can get something going here! …Does anyone know how to play the double spoon thing?

I can use my pubes as guitar strings. :dunno:

where can i try out?

See you might be the next one Bing!