front bumper support needed?

hey guys,

just fitting up my bumper that i got and was wondering if i need to keep the bumper support, (rebar) in if i plan to take it to the track. not 100% on what they look for during their examination of your car.

if you could post any other safety “must haves” other than the obvious, that would help too thanks.

pretty sure you need the rebar. i dont think its safe to remove that,especially if you crash at the track. why do you want to remove it :S

Basically, if you remove the rebar, and get into any kind of front end collision, your car is toast.

It’s a must have.

240’s are worthless…

if you get in a front end accident, your car’s toast anyways

but without the rebar, it will just be that much more toast.

well if its toast either way ill just take it out lol, blocking my intercooler.

dumb idea to remove it, unless you dont care about your safety.

just ask martino…

re-model it man.

if you dont believe me about it, ask Noga.

That stuff is for small accidents, big accidents you’re screwed anyways. Oh and the bumper laws were changed, the jdm one is tinier. It’s useless in a real accident. Some good 10-30lbs of dead weight.