Frozen Pipes + Garage = Bad


:eek: :eek3: wow that would suck!!!cabby gonna:crying:

yeah… there is a bitch basket in there

since when is an old VW a luxury car?

Originally posted by Black_WS6
since when is an old VW a luxury car?

that sucks

At least they have AAA

flood damage?

froozen damage!!!

:owned: by ice

im sure the cars started right up. :rolleyes:

that sucks. my g/f sent that to me a few days ago and my mom just started to laugh when i opened it cause of the porche in there

you think the ice actually fucked that much shit up on the rides? i mean just let em thaw or something

na it prob didnt do crap to them. cause lets see. my truck and my car look like that now but with just snow on it. i bet they thawd them out and then took them for a nice ride. hopefully one of the windows were not down. then that would suck.

there was a water main break somewhere and the water flooded someones basement and fucked up the furnace adn did what we see in that pic to their basement… now that would suck ass

hahah, i didnt know a cabby was a luxury ride either, they were prolly fine once they thawed out, that is funny tho

HOly shit…that would really suck!

Originally posted by Talonchick
HOly shit…that would really suck!
