What did the winter do to your car?

UGH this WNY winter has reeked some serious havoc on my DD.

-Trunk lock seized
-driver side door lock seized
-drivers side carpet soggier than a wet bag-o-dicks
-f*cked up front bumper and grille (not really the weathers fault)
-curbed up rim from crazy dorifto stupidness
-hood misaligned from friend trying to close hood when towing me out (though it was a hydraulic at first)

And to people like willy who don’t deal with this shit anymore :2fingers:

Rocker panels on my rabbit got HUGE dents on both sides. :frowning:

just general damage to the front bumper from ice and what not. the trunk i need to look into. as the latching mechanism i might have bent it while pissed off lol

The door locks froze for good, all 4 struts blew hard, general bs

Made it look all shitty with salt.

My carpet got wet. Lol

As much as I hate the truck, it is made for winter

exhaust bolts finally rusted and broke. sounds like a tractor now.

+1. One day this winter my ebrake stuck on for about 10 feet on one of those day where it went from 50 degrees and rain to 10 degrees in about 3 hours but it’s been fine since.

I may need to buy a 2nd set of floor mats because these are looking pretty bad. Not sure even the pressure washer is going to bring them back this time.

-more rust
-strut mounts are toast

-More rust
-Control Arm

-e brake is completely toast
-pwr steering is making a heinous noise
-rust chewing away at the body
-frozen locks
-gas tank leak (fixed)

-still runs like a war machine

I have a love/hate relationship with my DD

Nothing. The Accord is eternal, it seems.

trucks paint is starting to show its age… but im going to start painting it panel by panel… (like a saturday job type deal)… truck needs a full lube job and the air-ride needs to be fixed (eesh $$$)

and just today, my driver side washer squirter decided not to work. how convenient

Starter on the Tercel finally went with the colder weather. Also lost part of my exhaust driving through the big storm December 19-21. Didn’t get stuck though, handled the snow covered roads just fine.

Car - nothing, its been tucked away for the winter
Truck - a little bit of surface rust started, have to address in the summer and a front wheel bearing went.

I sold mine. lol.

newman, howd you dent up the daily?

whatya got now?

+2. And I had a reflector as a casualty when i backed into a garbage can buried in a snowbank in my driveway.

total loss… :confused:

on the audi, just put the front lip back on… and lost passenger front door lower plastic skirt piece

Driving a couple different cars, a buick lacrosse, a 2001 grand caravan, a 1997 grand caravan sporttttttttttttttttt… and a 1967 corvette convertible… all of which are available any time i choose.