FS-03 Acura Rsx

[left]Hi Im Josh From Lancaster,New York. One Of My Buddies Told Me About This Site,Thats Why Im Here. He Told Me It was A Good Place To Sell Cars. Im Trying To Sell My Car Because I Am Buying A New 06 Acura Rsx Type-S. Im Trying To Sell This ASAP…So I Will Take The Best Offer…Thx Josh [/left]

For Sale 03’ Acura Rsx
-New Tires
-New Ft Brakes
-Still Under Warranty Till 2010
-$13500 Or Best Offer
-Auto W/SportShift
-Ebich Sportline Lowering Springs
-Comptech Cat-Back Exaust
-Cold Air Intake
-Window Tint
-Alpine Cd/Mp3 Player
-O[size=2]il Changes Every 3,000 Miles W/Full Syneth Oil [/size]

  • I Olny Use P[size=2]remium Gasoline [/size]
    Cell- 954 3534
    Home- 681 3888
    Ask For Josh Or Leave Message
    Any Queations Call Or Email Me [email=“SxyJsh12@Netscape.net”]SxyJsh12@Netscape.net

Introduce yourself before you sell, especially when you are selling a vehicle.

how is it still under warranty until 2010? i wasn’t aware these had 7 year warranties on them.

Yea i bought it used and got the warranty for it…:slight_smile:

unlimited milage? :lol:

Do you work at Penora’s? Because I can say that this is a clean car since I see it there alot. Not a fan of the way your exhaust sounds, but thats just personal opinion.

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Miles to 100,000k On The Powertrain. The Bumper to Bumper Ended:cry: . Yea I Work At Penora’s Pizza, Thax For The Good Word On My Car.:slight_smile: