Spotted this on eBay. It’s local…
InB4SomeoneMentions “nos air filter” and doesnt realize it stands for New Old Stock.
Otherwise, that’s a reeeeal clean looking little car. There has to be a market for ‘antique’ honda’s somewhere, right? Seriously.
i would rock it
I LIKE IT! I’m gonna buy it and use it as a fridge in my apartment.
swap potential.
looks like a roller skate, blah
2 cyl???..any honda buffs wanna give anymore info on this thing? not like i could buy it or anything because i would never fit in it (im 6’5" 260lbs)
I have a Civic Hatchback and I think mine looks like a rollorskate too! lol :shrug:
And James, that’s not big enough for you, fridge or not…