
I’ve seen that car before, :meh:

w/o the stripes and from far away its looks decent lol

i feel bad for it.

god that craps.

LOL @ “poor car”

i wish i could save it

its a Z if u didnt know

looks like a mexican car.

that interior is nasty! wow

wow, whoever did that needs to go to prison for rape

Oh my god! Looks like Big bird syndrome has struck again. I kinda like the stripes but everythign else has to go. Like now. Man I wish I had the cash for that Z. The poor thing needs a good home and some rehab.

choko raced that car once, it was slow as balls, maybe he shouldve saved all that money he used on the cans of krylon and swapped in a vq30dett?

he screwed a bike bottle holder into the dashboard?

Holy shit is this thing ugly.


I got a Feeva and the only prescription is more YELLOW!!

yah thats pretty bad i wonder what his favorite color is?:gotme:

that makes the baby Jesus cry…

and by the baby Jesus…i mean me… :frowning:

I almost cared until I saw it was an Auto.

auto ftw

that interior is terrible. At least he only did that to an auto, n/a