fs:1995 turbo civic hatch

I should buy this hmmm


just trade it to don




just trade it to don


that is not a very fair trade

Eh I think it is but whatever it doesn’t really matter to me I would just hate to see this go to another nummie num.

i bet if you put dragon stickers on it don would straight up buy it.

I bet if you put dragon stickers on it all the autozone hotties would flock to it. All the west nukka kiddies be suckin my dick not yours :stuck_out_tongue:

Ohhh a hatch! :tdown:

ill buy it…


Eh I think it is but whatever it doesn’t really matter to me I would just hate to see this go to another nummie num.


see quote

funny part is that once it blows up from all the beatings, its just gonna end up back at your shop

eh not in that case


funny part is that once it blows up from all the beatings, its just gonna end up back at your shop


Then i’ll find him sleeping in it…or doing unmentionable things to its many nooks and crannies. Please keep it away!

lol…you will have to wake him up and see him in his jammies cuddling the headrest sucking his thumb

Sometimes I find him like that with Gary in the middle of the shop floor. He’s a cuddler, that don.

Nah it would just be another thing I have invested much personal love and effort into that would be disrespected and stepped on.


Nah it would just be another thing I have invested much personal love and effort into that would be anal raped.



ugh. See custom title…Fuck To U.

damn disrespectful ricers. nobody appreciates hardwork anymore


damn disrespectful ricers. nobody appreciates hardwork anymore


lol if you only knew :wink:


Sometimes I find him like that with Gary in the middle of the shop floor. He’s a cuddler, that don.


i thought thats what the dog is for

yeah thats right, i went there