FS: 1998 CBR 600 F3

lets call people poor without knowing anything about them, the only reason id give 2500 instead of 2800 for the bike is so i could take the left over 300$ and get a seat that isnt a tan vomit color, besides that the bike is great =), but if its sold then :bigclap:

i feel you about the seat. i don’t like it either, but considering retail is $3595 on that bike, i’m not bitching. i’ll scoop a seat on ebay. i just want something to ride and am not overly concerned about the appearance.

i hear what you’re saying, but it doesn’t cost 300 for a seat. :wink:

either way, looks like this is sold :slight_smile:

I will bump this if it falls through

wait? dan finally manned up? am i reading this right or no?



:wink: <3

Bout time Dan. :tup:

finally no more bitchassness.

and no thanks, that’s what you’re around for <3


Deposit should be made today when he gets out of work.
All day he was like a little school girl :gay3:

Dan, ill even take you to get your lic!

YAY… irony will ensue… xoxo

New rider? God I hope i dont see this bike dropped. I actually like it and im not even a honda guy. Oh shit come to think of it I almost bought one of these the year before last. Good luck new owner and get some training. Tired of hearing about people getting killed on bikes and them not even having a license.

no license FTL its easy, just go to ECC

is this sold?

the deposit is down. it will be bumped if it falls through.

?? I hope it doesn’t fall through. Bike is sold unless otherwise stated.

Thanks for all interested

awesome now find a buyer for my gsxr :slight_smile:

lol do i have to do everything around here???
