FS: 1999 Honda Prelude SH (30R Turbo H22)

bump for Brians Car

Jake +3, Cliff -7 -1 more cuz I hate you

and Bump for Mall Trail…

hahaha Im lovvvving this thread

Nick, you moron…lol. You’re only going to start shit back up doing that.

Bump, car needs to go to a good home

Ill trade you frank?? tehe jk

aw cuz u h8 mi?! tear tear… fairy.


Don’t hate cause you can’t drive your car. <333

Leo, get a life. My car’s not for sale. You’re a douche bag. That car is going nowhere fast…literally. You’ll never see it for sale




Brian has a little penis

I drive my car just fine…

nice try tho. Come again.


Lolz okay!!

how old are you??

Old enough to know that challenging forum members to street races because my e-ego was crushed isn’t a plausible way to deal with certain situations. =)

Ill take it. I could use a good winter vehicle and the price is right…

I’ll let the owner know someone’s interested
