FS: 89' 240sx 5spd HB *mint*

Um mods need to fix this thread and ban some guys. Also how long ago was it painted? I may just be intrested, have to find a car for my bro, and yours seems to be in good condition. Let me know thanks

Stop trolling in others threads. It against the rules and you should be banned. Also, “buyer beware” so don’t worry about what he’s selling unless you want to buy it.

Alright. Was just trying to inform the buyer of a potaential problem, and also use the public forum to help get the wheels back that are rightfully my cousin’s, but I can see how unwilling to help out the fellow soners are, and honestly I’m not suprised.

So enjoy the car, It’s not horrible by any means, and it’s too bad I’m not friends with a MOD, could’ve had this sorted out in a flash.

Ok, I am going to tell a little story about this car. (not to bash anything, just to sort all this crazyness out.)

i purchased this car off of a 50 year old man (original owner) for $900, and slowly started modding the car. it started out looking like this.

slowly after that the car looked like so

Unfortunately the first winter i had the car, a dumb blond backed into my car while it was parked outside my friends house, and ran off thinking i wouldnt find out who did it. I found out about 30min later that it was her, and she denied hitting my car, so i called the police. the insurance company wanted to write off my car, but they had an appraisal done and they said it was worth fixing. On the inside of the quarter panel the metal got bent and there was a hole about the size of a golf ball or a bit smaller, but was never fixed. This is how it looked.

During the winter of driving the car, i had ran into a street light pole and had to replace the front fenders and bumper. this is what the car looked like while i had it stripped down
After putting newer fenders and bumper on, i decited to get the whole car painted. i went to a local guy in waterloo called Martin’s auto collision and refinishing, on conservation dr, and he totally did the cheesiest job on the paint. i was very dissapointed in it! there was rust appearing where i had never seen it on the car before it was painted, and it was as if he only painted the car with one layer of paint.(i was washing my car and i could see grey coming from under the gold) and it was if he had no clear coat on it as well because very minor hail took chips out of the paint. im sure there is more stuff i could add but i will leave it at that.


damn HOLY lol

ok well i don’t know about you guys, but i would like to hear this kind of stuff bout a car before i buy it… i don’t think anyone should be banned for what they’ve said… it all adds to the real condition of the car… if the seller’s car is as mint as he says then he shouldn’t worry about peoples posts because last time i checked, people look at cars, and drive them, in pirson befor they actualy purchase it… so these informative posts that some of you call “bashing” are things a potential buyer would look for or ask about when they are there in person…

this is just one’s opinion.

other than that i would say the car looks like a good buy, but you would catch me dead before i baught a car without seeing it first.

to the seller, its a nice car, if i had 4000 bucks i may concider it, but i don’t so GLWS!!!

if what project240sx and jpe16 said is true and if this is that car then I don’t think they should be banned.

however, maybe next time you shouldn’t post that many negative comments.
because it is still the buyers responsibility to do research on the car they are buying and if they are serious about the car, they would contact you for information. That being said, that is some pretty big damage to be hiding from any buyer.

“That being said, that is some pretty big damage to be hiding from any buyer”

there’s alot more…

…just trying to help…i’ve been burned in the past and it doesnt feel good…just looking out for my fellow son’ers

btw project240sx is my cousin i was talking about

Your just trying to help? You have been bashing this add aswel as all of my others on every single site the car is posted on, its damn right harassment.

So please DO NOT post here anymore, Potential buyers can search every inch of this vehicle if need be… i have nothing to hide.


i would advise them to do so.

hopefully that’s all.