fs: 91coupe

I might actually be interested in the car! I will get back to you on it.

PM sent, get back to me :slight_smile:

alright calm down

hey man, when can i pick up the rims, im free thurs and friday ? is that good for you ?

Sent another PM just waiting to hear back. :slight_smile:

im am vary vary interested in the car please pm me is it styll for sale???

pm’d very interested, let me know

still for sale, read when it will be sold after plz, 1st page*

Anyone who is interested in the car can come look at it on Saturday the 26th
Location - Active Green + Ross, Keele & HW7 Concord, thanks

what time should we come at?

when ever you want, im there to work not to drive around and take people for drives, you can go poke around the car all you want but if im busy thats pretty much all that will be happening

And NO one will be meeting me at my house. I dont need a bunch of people knowing where i live so they can jack my shit, because i have alot of money in my backyard

matt still for sale i got 1000 cash money yo

Hey man, is it still for sale? Did you get my PMs?

Hey man, is it still for sale? Did you get my PMs?

its sold hes to ignorant to respond though

sold lock