if that doesnt work,
I’m willing to drive up to buff depending on how we work out the details.
email is key:
isn’t that fucking ironic
a friend may be interested, let me talk to her
word word, its solid…just slow
will sell w/o Si wheels for 4400obo… will come on 14" steelies
$50 commission to whomever finds some1 to buy this car
going on ebay in a week, so if anyone is interested at all, lmk so i dont blow $$ on listing fees
4750, this has got to gooooooo
4750 w/ Si wheels!!
4250 w/ steeles!!
Wow…gold suit service with that paint job…lol

got driven there in a Bentley Continental 
deff a nice lookin car man glws
+1 for going back to stock exhuast… i fukkin hate it when people through just a 10" tip muffler on the back of stock piping… unghh1.
from rice to a stockish appearance
i like, very nice bumpeh’ doo
aahheemmmm, keyword “stock looking”