FS: Asian Praying Mantis

I have an Asian Praying Mantis for sale. I raised it since it came out of the egg, about 3 months old. Eats very well. These are the coolest insect pets to keep. They eat anything… roughly 3.5 - 4" long.

Here are the pics:



Located in Oakville. You will need to bring your own enclosure / container to come pick it up.

Let him go!

Looks like a jail for many other animals you have there.

Hahaha, Man that thing is awesome. I wish I lived in Oakville, I would pay you a visit lol

cvan you handle these guys?

Yes you can handle them… they wont bite, but they will crawl over u, its kinda fun


What kind of birds do you have Mike?

I don’t have any at the moment but I’m still waiting on a Blue Headed Pionus…

I have the cage and toys ready, been waiting for about 9 months now.

http://www.mylittledarlings.com/ that’s the place I’m getting it from.

Do you have any birds Jim?

so Is this the JDM version then? I have seen Praying Mantis’ out @ my parents country property before, they arent the same?

This is a CDM version, Chinese Domestic Market. They are a little faster and you can tell they are Chinese by looking at their eyes too.

i give you $0.01

Yes…I have 3, African gray, Amazon double yellow head and a Meyers.
The gray I’ve had for 17years, the Amazon is 12 and the Meyers is 16years, lots of work but great pets.

Sorry for messing up your name Mark, Don’t know where I got Mike from…

wow that’s amazing! How is your Amazon double yellow head? Those are probably one of the nicest looking parrots you can get, but I’ve heard they either turn out to be really noisy and annoying, or nice. It’s like a 50/50 chance when you get one.

You must have a lot of time to spend with them eh… I know that African Grays require a lot of time, but those are really nice too.

What’s the difference between a $45 Asian mantis and a free North American mantis? I found this one in my backyard.

It’s the difference between a 240sx and a 180sx.

They move with Turbo Stealth!

I don’t want to buy a bug…but I will personally start a fund to get Mark laid so we don’t have to have thread like this anymore. I figure if we all chip in 5 bucks we can get Mark something really nice…

i have a hedgehog, leopard gecko, newt and hamster. if it wasnt 45 bucks id so take it, im all about them funky animals