FS: FP Green turbo

adam in to save the day again

Would would want to buy that thing looking like that ? … honestly , think about the buyers point of view.

Reading skills lacking a little here??? :wink: I’m rebuilding it for him to sell as a refurbished unit.

Nah, I still owe him a little money for the transmission. I opted to contact him and work a deal to knock a little off the bill that I still owe. Benefits both of us really :slight_smile:

Nah, I still owe him a little money for the transmission. I opted to contact him and work a deal to knock a little off the bill that I still owe. Benefits both of us really :slight_smile:

Adam… you going to be at your shop or anything tommorow when trav drops that stuff off?

if so i wouldent mind meeting up with you to check the shop out and also talk with you about some things

No, he’s actually going to be dropping it off at my house in Ballston Spa. I’m going to be in a conference call overseas from 11-Noon tomorrow but you can come with Travis if you’d like.

Not much to look at around here except a big goddamn mess at the moment, lolz. Mon-tues I’m not exactly sure what my schedule is going to be like. I’m probably going to be in and out most of the day in between working on Jay’s BMW, however I should be at the shop all day weds if you’d like to swing on in for a bit.

Ahh yea, if your in the shop wednesday id deff like to stop down, your a bit of a far drive for me to your house…

PM Me the shop location… you can more than likely plan on seeing me wednesday just let me know what time is good for you

folms will be there with little folms in toe. lol

come again?

nah… i’ll save my next load for the ladies trav.

deck the flanges please!

It’s part of my rebuild service yes :wink: Turbo will be fully rebuilt and balance on my vibration sort rig(VSR) here. Justa deal Trav and I worked out to allow me to knock some of the $$ I owe him for the STi transmission.

hit the housing with a wire wheel and some metal polish and that comp cover will look purrrty again. an oil bath/wire wheel then some degreaser and that turbine housing will be nice too

wire wheel…whaddy ya think this place is ;). It’ll get the usual overhaul stuff. hot tank + 400 grit blast on turbine housing, soda blast center section and comp housing. Jet wash all other components, surface turbine gaskets. Replace consumables, assemble, balance, box. Like new, good to go. It’s how we roll here :slight_smile: I’m not going to polish that comp housing. Koch can do that himself if his heart so desires…polishing is for the birds, unless I can do it in the CNC.

if this doesnt sell after the rebuild, it may go on the next project come summer :shifty

would project find a job/pay people back come first? then project buy a car that isnt a buick to turbo?

have you nothing better to do than bust his stones constantly? i beleive your only posts on here are doing that.

:rofl Grimmick for Member of the year!

Whats it matter what he comes on and posts for. Travis of all people has earned any and all ball busting that goes his way. Most of your posts are rubbing poeple the wrong way as well.

its getting REALLY old jvg. if you got a problem with me personally lets deal with it… but shut your fucking mouth in my threads.