Gibson Les Paul Studio. Platinum color. 2 - 3 years old, played about 4 times. Slight buckle rash on back. (Just indentations, no scratches through finish) Sells for $1299.00 new. Comes with Gibson hard case.
$900.00 or b.o. Make me an offer, I’m in a good mood. lol
ill trade 4 strats a samick artist series sg, a telecaster, an iceman, a BC rich platinum pro, an old j-bass a washburn shadow series with a seymour duncan at the bridge, a teisco an applause acoustic electric and a stratocoustic for it.
its a 78 iceman and the Bc rich is 649 new and 2 months old. the tele is 80s and the j bass is a 63. i was just kidding anyways. lol. bump for a sick Axe
[quote:]damn how do you break a low e? do you play with scraps of glass for a pick or something?[/quote]
hahaha no, they were elixers that are 2+yrs old and i play kinda aggressive, best strings you can buy, and i wont settle for less, and coincidently with finals taking all my time and xmas taking all my money its not in the cards to go buy a new set.