FS: Les Paul studio

Gibson Les Paul Studio. Platinum color. 2 years old, played about 4 times. Slight buckle rash on back. (Just indentations, no scratches through finish) Sells for $1299.00 new. Comes with Gibson hard case.

$900.00 or b.o.

Stats etc. on Gibson’s sight: http://www.gibson.com/Products/GibsonElectric/Gibson%20Electric%20Guitars/LesPaul/Studios/Studio/


OOOO NICE GUITAR…u got an Ace Frehley in the collection tooo?

Sold the Paul Stanley and Ace Frehley long ago…

I Think i remember u tellimg me this one nigth at BTC

i have a les paul 57’ gold top, this is a very similar guitar.

and ill vouge that this is a nice guitar :tup:

so lemme get this straight, your selling Les Pauls entire studio!!, whoa. i have the set of the old “Merv Griffin Show” i could trade you.

Instead of talking trash in my posts, why don’t you go get a car running or something ? I mean we haven’t seen you all summer!!! lol

I know, I am a loser. Butch i have an envelope here for you i need to find you and give to you, its been buggin me.