They have no markings on them at all, not even that circle indent on the passanger side like stock GMs have
i’d be calling the guy who told you they have AFRs and telling him you’re coming down to punch him in the face then…because he punked you out of $1500-$2500.
in all fairness, you should have seen this right away, it’s hard to overlook
I had the car shipped here, I’m happy with it regardless, the heads werent a major selling point to me, it has enough other mods and makes good power, like I said I know what stock GM heads look like and these arent stock, so even if they’re not AFRs its still a h/c/i car which is what I was shopping for…
you have heads, a cam that is larger than mine, and you dont have a 9 inch rear end sucking up power. Idk if i am or am not over 400 rwhp, it was 419 rwhp before the 9 inch. The first run i jumped a car or so ahead of you, be it my 6sp or you reaction or whatever but i held it and you didnt make up any ground. The 2nd run we were door to door until about 120 which is how fast you wanted to go (if i remember right you didnt want any crazy 140 mph pulls like i do with cobraman ) So it looks like round one me> u second run me= you. We can do it again if you would like. And i hope you KEEP the car so we can, if you get rid of it you will regret it, its a nice car :tup: .
Our runs and our track times make sense as well. Whats your best at lancaster? 7.8 @ 91? My best there is 7.62@ 93.1 and i have trapped 94 there before. My best at NYI is 12.02 @ 117 and my best trap there is 118.5 … ask Psycopjv or anyone that was there with me, i cant launch it worth a damn unless i am on slicks, car SHOULD be in the 11’s but who knows.
And when i say cam only, it means i have stock 853 heads, no power adder etc, thats generally accepeted in the LS1 world as cam only (with supporting bolt ons of course)
here is my full mods list so theres no confusion:
231/237 cam .595/.605 on a 112 lsa
lt headers/ory/borla (with plate in)
3.73 gears
9 inch rear end
tuned by Firehawk853 (Charles)
Cam only means the only INTERNAL engine mod is a camshaft. Oh, and supporting valve springs if needed. Bone-stock heads. You touch the heads at all, and it’s no longer a cam-only car.
I know man I am just saying, your car is no joke evidenced by your runs with Cobraman and Biged on spray and a few others
My trap at Lancaster is a little low but I had it in OD and it shifted a car or two before the traps
I need to get the shift points raised a little
Also when I ran you I had her in OD also (I always forget to drop it into D)
yeah theres no reason to go 140 on zee highway, 120 is more than enough to lose our licenses or die if we whack a deer
we’ll get another round in before the winter :headbang:
ok sounds good :tup: … hopefully i can get tires, otherwise i have to start in 2nd :(… you should have chuck look at your car, he did a great job with mine.
its going to New Era in the spring, if I dont sell, its getting a 12 bolt with 3.73s, LTs, ud pulley, 150 shot and a dyno tune
also I added info on the tires to the original post
strip club was fantastic last night :tup:
but… nice car for sure GLWS!
I still got the bitch
it ran 7.5 @ a hair under 92mph the other day with room for about .25 tenths improvement on the 60’ as well as the fact it shifts 3rd right before the traps…
lots left in it with a little tinkering
price reduction bump
eye on a c5 huh? nice choice but what happened to " i’m gonna keep this one and be content? " lol jk
nice car, glws
yeah I dunno, I just got married so I guess cars are the only thing I can mix and match now :roflpicard:
Up again, moving so the car needs to go
I seen this car last Saturday and it is SSuper nice!! :tup:
thanks man
One day left on eBay, I will consider selling to the high bidder if the reserve is not met but this offer is for eBay only, otherwise my price is firm
Jim and I are coming to see it this week. I have 2 guys coming to look at the stang, odds are one of em will buy it.