FS: Motorized Bicycle - 200mpg

Yeah, my old roommate was 250 and it moved him fine. You can come and take it for a ride.

200mpg is just hilarious to see hahahahaha

this things pretty neat GLWS


OT: I think I saw you driving on two rod road last night in Marilla. it was around 11:45pm

yep, I saw you too


car looks good for a beretta :tup:

i like it

It would look better with out all the dents and half an interior.

It is a very fun car to drive though. 200hp, 5 speed and an awesome suspension.

Bump, lowered price.

$325 for bike with motor.

$275 for just motor kit.


If you guys are interested in these, there are 2 of them in Cheetowaga.


same price?

What’s the top speed of this thing?

30mph on a flat surface, 35 downhill

If you buy a smaller Drive roller the top speed on level surface is 38mph I believe, but you wont have any power up hills.

I rode to Allegheny state park and back a few weeks back on this. Took 2 hours 30 minutes there and 2 hours 20 minutes back. Thats from Elma to the campgrounds in the park.

Find me a cheaper price and I will match it.

$250 so I wont be as angry about textbooks and lab fees.

what size is the bike frame?

I’ll get back to you on that tonight.

i’ll give you 200

Does it sound like a weed wacker, or is it not that annoying?

craigslist posting flagged for removal.

any vids you can post? or at least pics?

It is not as annoying as a weed wacker and it is a four stroke so it is not too loud.

Sorry, cant go to $200. For that much I would just keep it and ride it through trails for fun.

With the bike?
Delivered to EA?:slight_smile:
Cash today.