FS: NOT MINE, 1990 Black Twin Turbo Z

Its For Sale on Broadway and Two Rod In Alden , If anyone knows more info on the car Im sure you will post,Im hoping its a twin turbo, I figured I would jjust pass along the info, they want 4500 for it and its Black!~

i doubt it’s a TT…

next time you see it, look at the front fascia just under the fog lights/turn signal lights…if the bumper has 3 vent slits on each side under said lights, it’s TT…if not, NGAY

that car has been sitting on the side of that garage for like 7 years with a parts car pearl white.

if its a tt its prolly got 200k on it or the seller is jst dumb and doesnt know what the car is worth,

some1 go find out

i live right on three rod a block away.

the car has the turbo fascia wing and alll that jazz but it is indeed na. i am 1000000 percent sure i looked at it this week.

sorry guys but its not boosted. and its a pile of shit btw:rolljerk:

4500 would be low for a tt 300 but decent ones with under 100k can be had for 7-8k, they don’t have resale value like hondas, even though they are rwd tt and hot as hell. guess i just don’t get why hondas sell for so much when sweet cars like these can be picked up.

yeah like I said I really dont know anything about it, i just thought that mabye it was a TT becuase like someone posted it has the TT front and wing, and yes it was sitting there forever with that white one that is now gone, so im sure it was a doner car!, But i figured someone wanted might have wanted it!!!

going that way now i will see what it is
DIBS if its a TT


Did you get a chance to see the engine? The vents would suggest it being a TT but it wouldn’t be the first time i saw a TT fascia on a NA.

this is a NA z from further inspection it looks as though it was smacked in the front driver side fender theres a crack in the driver side front strut tower car looks nice from a far…

there is a white n/a behind it. doors where locked I got no chance to look under the hood

Yeah guys I dont know like I said, I drive by the thing everyday on the way to and from work! If it was like 2 or 1500 I would have jumped all over this but for 4500 and I possibly being a NA doesnt seem worth the money!

its a turd…i know the owner of the shop it needs a motor

Because they’re the best.

I guess that explains the price. If it’s too good to be true it usually is.

i used to work at the dealer next door…Jimmy the owner of the paint shop its at has had that car for a few years…it hasnt been moved in forever…its got a whole bunch of issues…

yea def a POS, been there for a long time