Capital Ca$h for Gold LOLZ

Thats like me having an inspector come in and ask to see inside my tool box, storage bin, or fire proof cabinets. I would tell them to get lost and come back with proper authority, then open it and LOL when there is nothing to hide. No need to remove things from the premiss when you know, to the best of your knowledge, you did nothing wrong. If I have some goofy ass what ever chemical in there I didnt know was not allowed to be in my shop, and they found it… shame on me for not knowing i guess.

I think thats the case with dave’s issue here.

Not really. just stating what I think. Daves a friend, and a good person. he can defend himself just fine.

How is that the dumbest thing you ever heard? Have you ever opened your own public business??? I will tell you right now, there are so many fucking hoops to jump through, its scary as hell. There are SO MANY loop holes that can be misconstrued so easily to bend you over its not even funny.