$1 bob
ended up selling it for $525. then went out and bought a new samsung 50" plasma HD for $999 at stereo advantage, id say i did good.
I’m having trouble figuring out who the bigger ass is… You for selling an out of date crappy TV for 525 or the guy who bought it for paying that much for a crappy tv when he could go out in the next couple weeks and bought a bigger better tv for less money…
too bad for you it wasnt a crappy tv. maybe not HD, but it was still nice. The buyer was fully aware of what he was buying. he made The offer. not me so stfu and gtfo noob
$2 ??
I don’t blame you for selling it for 525 but if you think that’s not a crappy TV you have poor taste in TVs… even 500 will by you a better TV now days. By the ways congrats on finding a sucker…
is it the best tv in todays standards? no. was it 3 years ago? no. i never said it was…however, it was a great tv for what it was/is. has nothing to do with taste, just facts. kthxbye
can someone please close this thread?
LOL nah lets keep it going!!!
Scam artist
LOL nah lets keep it going!!!
Scam artist
I still offer $250
Can you give me the guys contact info. who bought the TV? I have a VHS player im trying to sell for $200obo. :mamoru:
they didn’t close it days ago when you asked…
we like bothering mr juice
listen here instigator D…leave juicy alone. lol
How much are you asking for your nothing. I may be interested…
$500 really?!? holy fucking shit! someones a dumb ass for buying that for that price. could buy a used hd same fucking brand for the same price. some one knows nothing about electronics and you just happened to find the right dumb ass.
props to you, but the tv still wasnt worth that.
$198 for the amazing vhs player. man these things are the fucking shit! nothing better than vhs. lol:roflpicard: