I suppose the ideal situation would be where someone buys it at a reasonable price for good tires and new battery, new muffler, Alpine speakers and new no-name stereo, then comes to my office in Lockport with a wheel-dolly to pick it up. Any of those things happening would be an improvement. CONTACT ME SOON if you want any part of that at a great discount.
If that doesn’t happen right away, I’ll part it out and then scrap the balance after a month.
It’s a '92 LX 4dr 5sp that has suffered three hit-and-runs, affecting the driver QP, splash shields nearby, and passenger rear door. Paint job on replacement bumper cover cracked up, bodywork fell of 1st winter. Corruba sucks ass-crack.
- Original dark blue “harvard blue pearl” I think
- Advanced Honda rot. underbody solid. good hood with dings. trunk decent; I think one rust patch in the middle.
- All original suspension except rubber bushings not too old, good working shape, and recently replaced ball-joint
- Electricals all working fine; windows, locks
- Speedometer sticks between 40-65 mph
- 4 Michelin tires on 13" rims, >20K left, $27 pair
- Will have a warranty-replacement Honda muffler, NEW, still wrapped and uninstalled $85
- Battery ~1 month old $30
- Newish cables
- Rotors and pads ~1 month old
- Radiator beat
- AC leaks, clutch rusted out
- Seats good condition except seam split (threads) @ driver seat, and cig. burn @back seat (not a smoking car)
About the drivetrain:
- I bought it new, now at 185k
- Starts instantly and runs smoothly with slight irregularity at idle.
- CVs fine, I think the boots are in good shape (must check); replaced more than once
- Something noisy about the tranny for >100k miles; whining noise related to low-gear synchro, works fine but sometimes tough to get reverse. I changed the gear oil (no effect) and found no metal. Linkage replaced not too long ago.
- Gas mileage down to ~30 recently from ~40. Slowly consumed oil for a while, then blew a hose; now oil in coolant and burns a lot. Still runs fine, seems weaker.
- the distributor started squealing and melted the rotor the next morning; second one I lost @~90k. Co-incidence of failure remarkable as always.

Also have:
- Full set of CRX-Si alloy rims with OK tires
- Extra 13" rims (3; had 4 lost one)
More pics. I didn’t move the car to get the trunk; I think there’s just a rust spot around the middle. The pass rear door is bent in, not obvious in the photo but serious in real life. The sloppy patch was the quickest way to cover a 4" gaping puncture (long story).

ill give you $20 for passenger front window!!!
Pics help sell parts and cars.
PM’d several inquiries…
The whole car, if you take it from Lockport right away, is $200 except for the following:
- The CRX-Si wheels I have mentioned $100 with tires
- The new radio, Boss 630U (cheap but nifty) $80 'cuz I’d just as soon keep it, http://www.bossaudio.com/support/ind…adite mid=314
- The Alpine speakers, 2 pair OEM fit, $20 sound great but are pretty old. Back deck grill included if you want it.
- The new OEM muffler I mentioned will be $85, assuming I can get it. The old muffler (with a small hole in it) will not be included, assuming I can trade it in.
- The other extra rims/tires you can have if you want them.
- The battery $30
- The distributor has bad bearings. The rotor melted. Sparks fine still.
The car would drive quite well; you are welcome to scare up a dizzy and give it a try. Plates on still, inspected. I reserve the right to make corrections.
I’ll try to get some pictures tomorrow, I guess. Not much to see, except that the hood and bumper covers are in fine shape.
It has occurred to me that you don’t really need a wheel dolly to take this car. Of course there’s the rope-tow option, but this is easy:
The last time I drove it, with the distributor squealing and all, it went 30 miles before the rotor melted. If you were to bring a rotor for the cost of a few bucks, you could drive it at least 20 miles at a time, letting it cool between. Better yet, find a rotor that’s not made of a thermoplastic. That’s how I’ll get it home if I must.
pics of crx wheels and tires?
I’m considering some offers for the whole. I will favor the offer that buys more of the extras, so it’s less trouble for me. Decision soon.
I am favoring selling it whole at his point. The starting point is now $250 for the bare car with wheels (as pictured less items below and wipers), and picked up in Lockport. It will drive with only a new rotor. Consider what else you may need off this list; I will choose the person who takes the most in one piece or removes what they don’t want, or otherwise saves me time and trouble.
The buyer will get any offers I have received for parts. If I don’t close this by Monday, I’m bringing it home for parts.
if you dont sell car i need the rad…pm me w/ a price
pics of crx si wheels? and are the tires any good?
CRX-Si wheels sold, thanks.
may be interested in radiator and fan setup
CRX-Si wheels sold, thanks.
good guy. buy his stuff!
The radiator is solid, but the fins are corroded nearly to dust. It’s not worth installing. The fan and shroud are fine. I’ll let you know if and when I part it, or pass the message on to the buyer. Thanks for responding.
We still good on that window for me?!?!