FS: Shaved and Stripped B series valve cover


Not much to say really. Its my b16 valve cover. It was shaved and sanded smooth.

In the bottom right you can see a chip mark, but oil never leaked from there so its good to go.


60 with the wire cover

50 without the cover

i think you just inspired me to do something cool with my valve cover

but seriously, u should have listed it on ebay with the paint

someone prolly wouldve snatched it for a GOOD price

yea that looked b/a… never shoulda cleaned it up

so why did you clean it up?

how long did it take to do all those stars , seems like pretty fucking tedious

it looks like he painted the valve vocer black… put star’s on the valve cover… painted the cover green and shook off the stars

yeea why’d you take that off? individualistic sort of thing, didnt want anyone rocking your shit? it was fucking b/a

Yeah, pretty much :meh:




lol that shit got me seeing stars