This is pretty much brand new, packed up in the box with all the accessories. i moved recently and upgraded to the HD one. if you dont know what it is, read up on it. it is one of the best devices out there. it basically broadcasts your tv over the internet. you can control the channel and all. it acts like a router for your tv, but you dont need a tv hooked up. you do not need a cable box either. so you can watch the sabres/bills games when out of town. or you can send it to someone in another city to get local games. works very well.
it is a little box about the size of a dvd case (but thicker). here is what you need to hook up:
AC plug into the wall
ethernet cable into your router
coaxial cable (the one you plug into your tv) into the unit
this is all you need to do to get it to work. you can also have an output from the box back to your TV, so you can watch a tv on the same line. the box pretty much acts like a tv with a built in tuner. it is very simple to set up.
then you will need to set it up through your computer for internet broadcast. it pretty much sets an IP address for the box and runs through a video setup thing. it is all in a wizard with the installation cd. its all pretty simple.
picture quality is dependent on connection speed. if you get a nice cable connection, it is good enough to watch full screen without distortion. i would say about the quality of a vhs tape. but if oy ushrink it down more, the better it gets. i have actually watched this on my GSM cingular air card when i didnt have the 3G signal. so, as long as you have a quick connection, you should be ok.
also…if you have a broadband phone/pda like a treo, you can get it on that too. so you can watch the game while youre at it. i havent tried this though. i dont have anything that fancy.
Oh no no… haha, i typed that wrong… I meant i allways wanted to see how they look on a average shitty TW cable connection. i never saw someone auctually using it, but i wanted to get one when i found out they were making software for it for mac. now, the software is out, and i played around with it, looks like on my connection i couldnt get alot of bandwith out… I just wanted to see for myself what it looks like, how long it takes to start, change channels… etc… for myself. Im going to use it on a TW cable connection, and id assume you would do the same. I just wanted you to plug it into your cable line, then into your router, and give me the info i need to connect to it from my laptop so i can see how it works.
how would it be to watch something on my verzion card?
like say a sabres game?
it depends. do they have broadband? i have 3g so i dont know how verizon is. see what kind of speeds you can get on a bandwidth tester.
and if anyone wants to see how it works, you need to have the software for it. i am not sure if you can DL it on the site or not. if anyone finds it let me know and i can hook it up.
i think this should do the trick. i dont know if i will have time to do it tonight, but if you are interested shoot me a pm and i can set it up and shoot you the password if you want to try it out.
with the high def dont u need a high def monitor do recive the high def.
you have time warner hidef is through your high def digital cable reciever there for u would put a splitter on ur cable in line then run a line into ur high def reciever and one into ur comp. with direct tv customers you would have to run it on your out to tv port the same way. with direct tv you will want a rf antenna so you can chenge channels as you will not be able to via the computer