I just found a fun new game!

So, I’ve got a Slingbox AV hooked up to my main TV in the living room at the house. The AV does not have an internal tuner, so the slingbox controls the DVR, which controls whatever is being watched on that TV. Not a big deal, since the only time I use the Slingbox is when we’re not home.

Well, not today.

Kids got home, and my father in law is watching them at our house. Opened up the Slingbox client here at the shop. Waited until they started watching cartoons, or Drake and Josh, or whatever. Now, every once in a while, very randomly, I switch it to C-SPAN.

My mood is SOOO much better now.

hahaha. reaction vid would be funny.

Yeah, hidden camera in the house please.

gotta be legal remember…

these stickers were in a maxim magazine way back when i was in the army, circa 00’ maybe?