FS: Some Honda motorcycles for sale... f4i and 600rr with a pic

2001 Honda CBR f4i… red… micron high mount pipe… around 15k miles… manual cam chain tensioner… -1 front sprocket… rash on the right side… not bad though, comes with a jacket and helmet

this is a picture of the f4i… btw the side you see is the side with the damage
3600 FIRM

2003 Honda CBR 600rr… red also… 3k miles, fender eliminator, frame sliders, rear seat cowl never been down

i dont have an ACTUAL PIC OF THE 600rr… but picture this bike without that ugly stock fender under the tail of the bike and thats what his bike looks like
5900 FIRM

if your interested, pm me and ill get you a contact number both bikes OBVIOUSLY have a clean title and are still being ridden on the street

wow thats a steal on the rr…

i want an rr bad but i cant fork ove rhte money these days

pics to yell0wp0pcan@yahoo.com

which one… i might be able to get pics of the f4i… but i dont know the kid with the 600rr that well… its basically a stock 600rr… with 3k miles

I PM’d you willybeen hit me back

oh yea… the f4i has a BRAND NEW set of dunlop qualifiers on it…

i <3 red/black Honda CBRs…too scared to ride one though cuz id prob kill myself. lol

I would say its dumb to post wheelie pics when selling a bike

but then i re-considered. at least he’s honest.

its an f4i… lol thats what they do… lol… most people who buy f4i’s have intent to do wheelies… im not gonna lie… this bike was wheelied by its owner… i’ve never seen him do anything other than power wheelies… i know for a fact his wheelies never went further than 1/2 a mile… not that it matters its a honda… both bikes are good deals imho… btw… there has been a lot of interest in both bikes… i dont think they will last long here… which is a first lol

damn that rr is tempting

anybodyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, the f4i is now 3500… somebody dooo it


these thangs are niiiice :frowning: i want one

where are these bikes located willy?

anychance i can come see the f4i? im pretty interested.

absolutely… the f4i is in NT… off payne by the Burgerking…ill pm u a phone number…

The F4i was sold to me as of Monday night when I rode it home and parked it in my garage next to its bigbrother the R1.

was that F4 orginally in lockport?
seems to be the same pipe and damage on one i was looking a while back.

could be a complete different though

EDIT: solid price on the RR

ugh the f4i is gone?

i guess its sold… lol… 600rr is still for sale…