I have a uniden Beartracker BCT-10 police scanner that I no longer need. This is the same one that they use on “The Gumball” and it works very well. I have everything for it from the manual to the hardwire kit and the plastic that it all gets wrapped up in. Im looking to get $60 for it. This would be perfect for those going on waterfest or any kind of cruise. It looks just like whats pictued below. It will come with suction cups and a visor clip so you can mount it anywhere. It looks just like a radar detector so its very well hidden.
I really do still want it… I am just stuck waiting untill someone can give me some $$.
I just dont want to touch the $$ in my acct. I get paid fri, and can use a little of that to cover it, but i didn’t want to make you have to wait untill fri.
I guess that if you have to get it gone, then jessie it is all yours!