fuck bitch shit ass

I just got banned for 7 days from bimmerforums for saying ‘shit’ in a thread title…

I fucking hate the admin/mods there, like are you fuckin kidding me?

They say shit on fucking cable tv :wtf

only after 10pm though :nod

I reminded of a song from Justin Timberlake… “cry me a river”

Not only that, but it was in OFF TOPIC, and bf.c’s off topic IS public, however you’re supposed to be 18+ only and you have to be a member for 10+ days to even SEE off topic.


sounds terrible… you should see vortex… ugh.

Honda-Tech.com just installed a word filter… When you type any connotation of the word “fuck”, it prints it as [freak]. There’s alot of [freak], [freak]ing, and [freak]ed alot over there…

Before that, they were deducting a point from your “percentage” every time you typed the “F” word…

I also saw one that said [racial pejorative] earlier, presumably because someone attempted to use the “N” word…


fuck that… bimmerforums sucks ass sometimes

that racial pejorative thing is actually kind of funny

Benny even though we allow swearing here, we do not encourage by any means. Nobody wants to read through pages of swearing or having it in every post.

If it helps you, use it as an adjective to make a stronger point, but don’t just throw it in for the sake of it.

Don’t forget no Racial comments tolerated, based on race, religion or beliefs, etc.

Seems to me on alot of honda forums all they do is bash the n00bs.

And at one point in your life, everyone was a noob at something.

ya gotta start somewhere

yup :nod

VW Vortex wont allow you to insert certain hypertext links…it blocks it out, so you have to type them
<www> <dot> l i k e t h i s <dot> c o m for anybody to see it.

glad i could help make this rule :lol

i think being able to swear is usefull sometimes you gotta say :wtf, but racism should be kept off.

bimmerforums is now backwards. i hate april fools.