Like I said in our earlier chat “Pizza…it can get you fat and famous”.
I think that is a nice blog motto.
GL. See you at the finish line…in what was that…6 years or some shit??? GULP.
Like I said in our earlier chat “Pizza…it can get you fat and famous”.
I think that is a nice blog motto.
GL. See you at the finish line…in what was that…6 years or some shit??? GULP.
I love, lovejoy pizza the stuffed banana pepper pizza rules
Imperial is the best IMO.
hey thats my heat transfer ta!
me and jerry keith from valvo are up there every fucking day
No doubt, jerry hooks it up as well ;).
Yeah Shrew is a pretty smart dude, just got a full ride to RPI for applied mathematics. Pretty crazy.
I’m going to put imperial on the list of stuff to try soon.
Is it sit down or just take out?
GREAT PIZZA!!! :tup:
meh, you can sit down but there is only one little round table for now, they are expanding in the summer. When the weather is nice they have three picnic tables out front under an awning, just come in and order a half pie and eat it in your car. Nothing like a fresh half pie from there, they do have slices which is cut in 8 but dont last long, we go through TONS of slice pies a day. If you want a good eat get a fresh ordered one. I have been there for 10 years and I still think its good as hell, nothing but fresh, top quality, sliced daily, dough made everyday, sauce made everyday, ingredients. They dot skimp on shit, they even have their own Bluecheese with their logo on it. Really quality stuff, no shortcuts and never people unsatisfied. Its pretty crazy working there because the owners are anal about clean stuff, all the shit is cleaned top to bottom EVERYDAY, hoods, grills, ovens, equipment, you name it its scrubbed everyday. most likely one of the cleanest places you will ever eat. Im not biased, ai order pizza from the neighborhood all the time an get grossed out by some of the places. These people(The owners) really care about you what you get served. Its not cheap either, a whole cheese pep is $16.50, but you really do get what you paid for. If you want an extra ingredient you get handfuls of it, not counted out pieces. Anything more then three ingredients you might need a knife and fork.
Don, if im there i will hook you up with a free pie for the sake of your blog. let me know when you are thinking about coming, you have my cell number, just call me.
i always get shroom, pep, onions extra crispy MMMMMM
there’s a smiley for that
That’s me! I assume you come in on Sundays or Wednesdays? Say hello if you see me walking around!
Send me your number again. I am going to try imperial next I think. This sounds a lot like the type of pizza I like. I love it when places make their own dough. 1. It’s fresh and 2. you get to see their creativity and tastes at work.
Yeah bikes are going to be the way to go for sure.
The one on hertel? Last time I was at Bob and Johns was probably 8 or 9 years ago. I’m going to have to make it out there for sure.
Thank you everyone for the input and the support. This was meant to just help my friend try new places since he never would but I wanted to make more use of it than just that. Hopefully people get some use out of it or at least an entertaining read.
let me know when you are comming to east otto … we will hit up the 3 places around
even springville … let me know
Yes sir on hertel!!!
Oh yeah we were talking about this last night. We might do something funny for this
dont forget Good guys in NT That or papa leos.
Good guys is hands down my favorite pizza in the area. I worked with all the owners in high school at Pizza Junction and then when they opened up I was the first employee.
Love that place.