This is some straight PJB shit.
I’m dyin, Totally PJB shit right there
Haha I try. I know the deal tho Trav. I went through very similar situation. I honestly do not want a girlfriend again for a while. So much EASYIER/FUN. Holy shit.
…Let’s go bowling
We’ve all been in the situation where the girl you love/want crushes you. Happend to me this summer and it lasted about 2 months on and off still seeing, talking to her while i knew she was still seeing other dudes (whore). Ended up being back with her and we’re happy and all now, got the wanting to be free out of both of our systems and blah blah. Worry about number 1 now dude (you). You have an awesome career and have that set and going for you, lifes biggest goal i guess to be financially comfortable and well off has been taken care of an thats a huge relief at least in my eyes. Take a vacation, listen to a lot of good music, beat us all up with the evo, hit the gym, troll babes on facebook. Just gotta keep the head up and im sure youll come out of this soon, still super super early and an extremely bad situation to deal with by yourself.
1000000% agree!!!1
Yep, I’ve been here before with the girl stuff, it always passes. Just sick of having to do it over and over and over…
I had a real low with a girl I dated for 6 years, about 4 years ago. Found out she was fooling around with my buddy behind my back. Although all my friends were telling me what she was doing, I was dumb and choose to believe her until I rolled up to the dudes house party one night uninvited and she was inside hammered. Persued to park my car on his front lawn and fly inside to carrying her out by dragging her down the stairs, and telling her to fuck off in the front yard.
Now im with my Fiance, that I have been with for 3 years and couldnt be happier. The best things happen when you dont think they will. Yes, your at a self low right now, but things will turn around as they always do. It really doesnt help where your living also. Your so far away from everything and everyone.
Sorry to hear that you had to go thru that man, and I’m really happy for you now. Only met her a couple times but seems like a great girl.
thanks man but this isnt about me, its about you!
you will be fine. We all go through rough times and get depressed here and there. Hell, I do it weekly. Just always hafto charge forward and realize that we are much fortunate then others who couldnt be happier!
She got any cute friends for me? ha. LMK if you want a hand with your nitrous, I could bring down more electrical tools and if we got the needed paperwork I’m sure we could track it down.
Any ‘hot’ jobs/careers in Albany?
lol na. All her friends are taken.
Im sure I can figure out my nitrous. Right before I put it away, I checked the relay wiring and it was 100% ass backwards. The relay must have been different then the one I swapped it with, and dumb me I was in a hurry and didnt check it. When I took it for a test ride, it seemed to be working but I couldnt tell 100% because my dumb purge solonoid blew a rubber seal and was Leaking like a sivv…so all the nitrous was leaking out of the purge solonoid.
I hear ya on some aspects. I have virtually no social life right now, which is why in September I am packing up my SHIT and moving to Oneonta where I will finish up my Bachelor’s degree at SUNY.
Only read the first post, so if I am way off base, I apologize. Im 26, and have been in this fucking chair for almost five years. I live in an old fart community, have three piece of shit cars, and a storage unit full of shit, I dont want to see. I will be “disabled” due in no way to me, but by a large company’s “mishap,” for the rest of my life. My ex cheated, left, and married a guy she knew for almost two months… We have a five year old child together. The only thing that keeps me going, is that little girl. Now Im not telling you to have a kid, infact, Im not really sure how I wanted this post to go now… I guess I just wanted to say youre not alone.
I feel really bad for you man, and I’m sure that you’re low points are/were much harder than mine. I’ve got a friend in a similar situation as you, he’s slowly losing his eyesight and it’s irreversible.
I commend people like you and him that can keep going on through such tough circumstances. I don’t think I could do it.
I just think its odd to that you made this post, the same night Im pissed at life in general. It is actually a bit soothing I guess.
Misery likes company. I’m considering anti-depressants again but I really don’t like to rely on drugs to fix problems.
Well all I have right now is this shit weed, that further adds to my current level of despair. It tastes so bad, Im sprinkling peach tea mix on it. Yeah, its that bad. Never again.
Wow. That is bad Red
Women suck, I hear you on that… HATE to care, but just do for some reason lol… Just bought one chick a car after hers got repo’d and paid another $1,300 for another ones bills that were about to be escalated to a legal matter.
…As for the career change, if your good as being a mechanic, id stick with it… This economy sucks and theres not many things out there that make money, a mechanic however is ALWAYS needed… Alot of competition, but you will ALWAYS get work.
Just my $0.02