Fuck Laduke's car, love4boost doesn't know what across means.

Go to a dance? What is he 17?

Haha you forgive him and shit when he plays the shit out of you? HOLLLLYYYY SHITTTT BROOOOO…wake da fuck up.

ohh yeaa lol it was a dinner thing for the company. but whatever. lol

yes maybe im a stupid girl… but i live with him and shit and he fucks me over you guys can alllll say that you told me so. but he wont.

I usually like to spoil women…
The 1 girl I was the biggest fucking scumbag to is the one that cared about me the most… I would fucking disrespect the shiittttt out of her, make her do everything for me, yell, scream curse at her ext…

Girls are attracted to the scumbags dude, cant change that lol

Date guy who turns out to just being rodding you on the side.

You find out, you stop seeing him.

Guy comes back to you, you take him back. <—there’s the stupid part

He cheats on you again, and you stay with him.

Then you take him back again? <—not sure if true, but if so. really?

:rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl

He seemed like a real winner though… good for you.

yes maybe im a stupid girl… but i live with him and shit and IF* he fucks me over you guys can alllll say that you told me so. but he wont.


This is the best and the worst website in the world.

lol ok he really is a good guy. might have been an asshole on here but who isnt?

Haha yah… im startin to learn that.

(((((((((this is all just a clever ploy for me to fuck this sammy bitch)))))))))):ninja:ninja:ninja:ninja :ninja:ninja:ninja:ninja :ninja:ninja:ninja:ninja:ninja:ninja:ninja



you’re right. i was pissed off about it for sure… but hes with me now so it doesnt matter.

That was a girl Mr. K brought.

haha yea cuz i was gonna sayy… whatttt

You should’ve come that night…

I still got 2k for this car. Just sayin

Someone wanna throw up the pic of sweatys tits and/or ass?

you wanna buy mineee?