Fuck Laduke's car, love4boost doesn't know what across means.


dont ever become a lawyer, youd suck.

what does driving across the country have to do with being a lawyer? going up or north is clearly not going ACROSS.

Your driving from Ny which is IN the USA to Canada which is A DIFFERENT country OUTSIDE of the USA… Who gives a shit if Canada is 5 minutes away for 5 straight DAYS away, your driving from country to country which is called “driving across country”

How can you debate this?

dave… im gonna have to disagree with you on this oneee :confused:

no, i would consider that “driving out of the country”

“driving across the country” would be driving across the current country your in.

going across a bridge you drive from one side to the other. going across the country you drive from one side of the country to the other side of the country. not to the nearest country border.

You already have but your wrong… lol, this is making me so angry I just called my lawyer (hes a friend so its not a big deal) and asked him if I could legitimately say that I drove across country even though im in Ny and went to Canada and he said absolutely, thecnically you are and technically is all you need to hold up.


In that case you could walk a few feet and claim to have walked across the country.

I mean, technically you’re in a country, and you walked across some portion of it.

Your logic is flawed, the generally accepted term for driving from the east coast, to the west coast, is driving ‘across the country’.

Moving on…

i just asked my co-worker… she says that if you had said, “driving to another country then canada would be fine, but driving across country would be driving to washington or california. somewhere out west”

walking across the boarder is walking across the USA to another country…

I know what all of you are saying and I get it but TECHNICALLY taking 1 foot step from 1 country to the next is walking across a country.

Driving to Canada would be leaving the country not crossing it. You are crossing NY state and the border that leads into Canada. Not the same as driving across a country.

NO, no its not. its walking ACROSS the border.

ok so if it took 10 minutes to drive from here to canada ur saying that thats driving across country?

ahh just crossed colonie/nisky border. i just walked across the county of nisky.

no, it doesnt work.

LMAO. i just lol’d hahahhaa

whatever, im tired of this convo so im gonna still gonna make sweaty wrong.

I would not hesitate to drive the car across country, The Vatican City to be exact.

“The Vatican City, the headquarters of the Roman Catholic Church, is the world’s smallest country. Located entirely within the city of Rome, Italy, the Vatican City (also known as the Holy See) is 0.2 square miles (0.44 km2) in area.”

tehcnically yes, even if it was 1 step… but I dont wanna type anymore :ahh

:banghead :facepalm